High efficiency management for residential heat pumps
DC inverter for BLDC compressors
The heat pump market is now growing faster, aided by carbon emission reduction goals and the availability of more renewable energy sources.
Solution for chiller/hp units, energy efficiency and reliability
DC inverter for BLDC compressors
The new CAREL standard application solution for chillers/heat pumps with scroll and BLDC compressors has been developed around the new c.pCO family range of programmable controllers.
Hecu sistema - Real-time energy optimisation
DC inverter for BLDC compressors
System energy efficiency is in large part the result of serial connection between pRack Hecu and the MPXPRO controllers on the showcases.


  • General characteristics

    power+ is a special inverter that can control compressors with permanent magnet brushless motors (BLDC/BLAC).
    Integrated into pCOsistema+, it brings significant energy savings by modulating compressor speed and consequently the cooling capacity of the unit.
    Variations in load are managed precisely and with constant control of the compressor envelope.
    This makes significant increases in unit COP possible during operation at part load, giving higher seasonal performance factor values (SPF).