E2V - Z (demountable)

General characteristics
The CAREL E2V electronic expansion valves for low capacity applications combine high reliability and precise control, guaranteed by the equal percentage characteristic of the movable element and the 15 mm stroke without axial rotation.
The wide range available can cover all applications that require cooling capacities up to 40 kW. The possibility of operation with fluid flow in both directions is especially useful when the valve is used for heat pump applications, moreover simplifying refrigerant circuit layout and reducing installation costs. Fitted on all sizes, the Teflon gasket on the movable element guarantees perfect tightness on closing.
The E2V-Z can satisfy the most demanding HVAC/R applications that nowadays demand even higher performance products able to work in critical environments, while offering easy installation and furthermore assuring simplified logistics management for OEMs.
E2V-Z has been developed specifically to respond to these needs, with particular regard to the Retail market, while still meeting all refrigerating circuit demands, thanks to the innovative design of the valve-body, unique for all the different cartridge sizes.
This new concept means whatever size of cartridge can be fitted on the same body, enabling capacity variation by simply replacing the valve cartridge.