General characteristics
The new room humidistat with built-in humidity sensor, or remote sensor for applications, is fitted with an LCD with alphanumeric characters and icon graphics for simple use. The 24 Vac supply allows direct connection to the humidifier without the need for additional transformers.
The functions that can be selected range from simple thermostat and humidistat with ON/OFF or modulating logic, to the management of temperature and humidity with compensation, using an external sensor.
The built-in clock allows the automatic management of an ON and OFF period over a 24h interval. The same function can be managed by an external timer, by the digital input which, alternatively, can be used for the alarm signal from the humidifier.
In the hotel type applications, the LOCK terminal function, selectable by parameter is very useful, as it allows the terminal to be locked at various levels.-
- wall thermostat/ humidistat
- digital input- 010V
- serial connection RS485 Modbus/CAREL protocol