General characteristics
A subscription to tERA offers a simple and immediate connectivity to the system,
You can freely choose which communication channel to use in the system: the platform uses either the UMTS wireless channel or Ethernet, with safe and reliable solutions. You can access all the information of the site through any device you have: a PC in your office or you smartphone or tablet wherever your job takes you.The solution adapts to the typical needs of machine analysis and grows proportionally to the business generated: you can start from the analysis of a few installations and then choose to compare the data of thousands of systems with more and more detailed information. tDisplay is the service of the tERA platform dedicated to the final user.
The system offers a basic application with a customizable interface to control system data and to change settings, as if the user were in front of the machine.
From tDisplay you can also easily check if there are problems and decide how to intervene before "discovering" the failure when it occurs.
Functions available by activating tDisplay:- reading and writing of variables in real time
- alarm visualization in real time
- Remote control of your system with adjustments updated in real time.
- Personalized view of your site for a simple and efficient reading of its condition